The food security and nutrition of women and men are under threat, with low-income families, particularly the most marginalized populations of Sundarban, which include small-scale farmers and landless indigenous farmers, being hardest hit. Malnourishment is a big problem among these people. Access to healthy, safe and diverse diets is a challenge for them and food security is a fantasy.
To ensure they access nutritious food Mukti has provided seasonal seeds to grow in their empty land. 543 landless framers of 5 villages including Damkal, Nagendrapur, Purba Sridharpur, Dakshin Kankandighi and Daktar Gheri under Mathurapur block II have been supported with 6 types of summer vegetable seeds of Hyacinth Bean (Sheem), Cowpea( Borboti), Pumpkin (Kumro), Bottle Gourd (Lau), Red Amaranth (Lal Shak), and Malabar Spinach(Pui Shak).
Along with seeds Mukti also provides training on how to cultivate the seeds, organic manure and market linkage. The agriculture experts of SAM get feedback and give suggestions on regular basis to these farmers.
Beneficiaries grow vegetables and crops on their farm and eat fresh green vegetables. The remaining vegetable and crops they sell in the market provide them income generation. So in this way, Mukti ensures food security and income generation for beneficiaries through this program.