Mukti organized a seminar on 8th November 2022 to create awareness among the villagers of Purba Sridharpur on the importance of planting mangroves. The seminar was held at Simanar Ghat boundary of Purba Sridharpur with an attendance of approximately 200 people. The theme of the seminar was “Sundorboner Bonanchol toirite Mukti” (Mukti for afforestation in Sundarbans). The seminar was conducted by the working committee members of Mukti.
The importance of planting mangrove trees was emphasized in the meeting. Most of the women who participated in the discussion work in mangrove plantations and mangrove nurseries under Mukti’s “Food for Work” project. They were made aware of how essential their work is in terms of the survival of the Sundarbans.
A healthy mangrove population in the Sundarbans is considered critically important as it works as a barrier to high-intensity cyclones that impact the islands of the delta as well as its hinterlands, including Kolkata. Mangroves are a group of plants that can survive in salty soil and tides. They act as an effective barrier against disasters such as cyclones by protecting the earthen banks as well as reducing the damage.
Mangrove prevents soil erosion. The aerial roots of mangrove forests retain sediments and stabilize the soil in the areas between high tide and low tide (intertidal areas) by reducing erosion during storms and floods.
Mangrove is also a hotspot of biodiversity and plays an important role in providing habitat to many endangered species.
Active maintenance during the early years of rehabilitation is important to the health and success of the mangroves. Apart from the plantation, guarding the mangrove saplings from cattle is equally essential. Regular monitoring of growing seedlings and maintenance works are required during the growth of mangrove saplings. The purpose of monitoring is to examine planting activities and collect useful information to improve the project. On that day 6,000 mangrove saplings were planted on the riverside slope of the Simanar Ghat embankment.
Women were motivated and enlightened on the above topics. Their active participation in the plantation drive was encouraged.