Mukti secretary, Mr. Satyajit Ray, delivered the opening speech at the inaugural ceremony of the 19th foundation day of Mukti. He welcomed the guests, employees, volunteers and partners, and described Mukti’s vision in terms of the HEALER-AID framework (H – Health, E–Education, A – Agriculture, L – Livelihood and Employment, E – Environment and Sustainability, R – Resiliency and Recovery, A – Awareness and Empowerment, I – Integrated Development and D – Disaster Response) for holistic development.
He then gave an overview of internal operations and staff welfare over the last two years. He said that the internal operations of Mukti have improved. With processes being streamlined, the quality of execution is also improved. Focus on IT enablement and compliance has increased. Project governance has been improved. From the perspective of staff welfare, the flexibility of work from anywhere has been provided to employees, policies have been formalized, handbooks have been created, a canteen facility has been introduced, and employee training, including training on Yoga and value education, was organized.
The secretary then summarized the impact of the last two years of relentless efforts.300,000+ direct and unique beneficiaries received support from Mukti(Health: 11,000+, Education: 10,000+, Agriculture: 9,000+, Livelihood: 15,000+, Environment: 10,000+, Resiliency: 200+, Awareness: 1000+, Integrated Development: 10,000+, Disaster Recovery: 2,00,000+).There was a 100% growth in the volume of work. The number of regular salaried employees rose from 200+ to ~500. 15+ new projects were launched, 80+ new partner relationships were established, and 5+ renowned organizational awards were bagged.
Next, the secretary announced the program for the day: Annual activity updates from the project lead, question-answer sessions, addresses by partners and guests, cultural program, lunch, founder-president’s speech, new board formation, and award ceremony.
At the end of the talk, he requested the audience to recite the following oath: I will be kind, I will keep the environment clean and tidy, I will be patient and attentive, I will extend a helping hand to others, I will follow and respect the structure of the ceremony, I will know and introduce myself to the person next to me, and I will spread happiness.