Uttar Kankadighi MSS – This year, due to heavy rains, the earthen floor of Uttar Kankandighi Mukti Support School is collapsed. No children get injured as the school is closed now. The school building is made of mud and bamboo fences and the floor is made of mud. Heavy rains washed away the soil under the floor and the floor collapsed. Mukti has started repairing the floor on an emergency basis.
To strengthen the floor, cement sacks filled with soil are being used. 50 such sacks have been used to fill the hole. The soil of the school compound is being used for filling the holes. 2 labors are working on a contract basis.
Purba Sridharpur MSS – There is a mud yard in front of Purba Sridharpur Mukti Support School. This yard has also been damaged by heavy rains. A brick boundary is being constructed in front of the yard to protect it from soil erosion.
2 mason and 2 laborers are working in a contract basis at Purba Sridharpur Mukti Support School.