Newly elected board of trustees for the year 2021-23 presented their future plans, visions and aims to the audience.
MCDF – New Board wants to expand the skill development and training sessions, to create additional micro-businesses and jobs, to promote Women rights, reach SHG membership of at least 50,000 over next 12 months, focus on Operations efficiency and excellence.
MSS – For Mukti Support School students they want to purchase low priced Android OS Tablets, started developing new portal/application. They will launch teachers development program on quarterly basis and will conduct Parents Teachers meeting.
MAMA School – Proposal for 4 more MAMA School has been taken. They have aimed for 18 new MAMA School with minimum of 25 student’s strength in each school. They want to start formulate performances metrics and digital data managed portal.
MIT – Due to pandemic student enrollment got hampered. Mukti new board wants to fulfill the gap by this year. Center should be more structural. Face to face spoken English Classes must get started. Permanent generator connection must be needed. Two new courses on Hardware and Networking and Retail Management must be include.
Mukti Employment Exchange – Need more job agencies to provide job to the students, to arrange job readiness & spoken English training for job seekers and most important to focus on women related job field.
TSS – to arrange social activities session for students to give social awareness, to receive confirmation of continuing sponsorship for deserving candidates, to regularly communicate with students, interaction, daily updates, to update sponsors about the student’s movement of their current studies on digital basis, to organize sponsor student meeting using digital platform where they can meet and introduce to each other, to approach donors for support of those candidates who applied TSS application from out of West Bengal, to approach donors not only from Bengal but outside Bengal.
MCB – New Board members aimed to Increase sales 3 times in next FY, job opportunity for more rural people, to give Support to more organic farmers, to continue relationship with Government for funding, demystifying farm bills to farmers, adding more farmers to organic movement, ensuring more earning for farmers.
Mukti Community Clinic – With the collaboration of NH for in patients support & early cancer detection with their screening system, to construct fully fledged Medical Room and tele medicine support by Global doctors panel will be presume.
IT, HR and Admin – Compliance on medical benefit/ ESI for staffs, compliance on Provident Fund for staffs, motivational and mind boosting sessions for the staffs, ore recruitment in pipeline as per project and organization requirements, adherence on CPC, Sexual Harassment, Financial policies, etc.
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