Mukti with the aim of creating a new MCDF (Mukti Community Development Fund) group and MSS (Mukti Support School) at Sagar Block has organized a meeting with the local women on 22nd December 2021, Wednesday at Rudranagar Bishalaxmi Sangha under Sagar Block. 37 women have attended the meeting. The meeting has started from 1:30 pm and continues till 2:30 pm
From the end of Mukti Mr. Jagannnath Jana, Mr. Bimal Khan, Mr. Gopal Sarodar and two teachers of MSS are there to conduct the meeting. Mukti has invited Mr. Sankar Bhuiya – the club secretary as the chief guest.
The first topic is on the MCDF and its structure. The meeting has been organized to encourage the women of Rudranagar to become self-reliant. Mr. Jana explained in detail about the MCDF. How a self-help group is formed, their purpose and activities, loan structure of Mukti, how Mukti helps to get a loan from a bank, Mukti training system, how women can get benefitted through MCDF, how to provide medical assistance to a sick family member and why MCDF differs from other self-help groups- these all are discussed in detail.
The other topic is MSS. They have been told that MSS is created for the children of distressed families who cannot afford tuition due to financial constraints. In MSS, children are allowed to learn for a very low fee so that no child is dropped out of school. At regular intervals, a parents-teachers meeting is held to discuss the improvement of the student. A demo test is taken before the school exam so that the examinees can prepare themselves before the exam. Teachers conduct classes in accordance with the Covid protocol.
All participants of the meeting applaud the efforts of Mukti and unanimously agree that they will help Mukti to open MCDF branch and MSS in their area and that they will join themselves.