Malnutrition or ‘hidden hunger’ severely stunts human potential due to imbalanced diets and a lack of vital vitamins and minerals. To trigger awareness and to increase the incomes of small-scale farmers, Mukti has launched home garden projects at Purba Sridharpur model village under Nagendrapur GP of Sundarbans. Mukti hopes that amidst the current issues of growing population, scarcer sources and food crises, these gardens can provide many people with improved livelihoods and nutrition.
Mukti aimed to make winter vegetable gardens for 62 SAM (Sustainable Agricultural Movement) organic farmers, and to date 40 such gardens have been completed. In each garden, 8-10 varieties of vegetables like – Spinach, Beans, Red Amaranth, Coriander, Water Spinach, Okra, Bottle Gourd, Pumpkin, Beetroot and Carrot were planted. Mukti supported the beneficiaries with seeds and saplings and also provided training on vegetable production.
The project has enhanced vegetable production as well as consumption in the earmarked areas. The beneficiaries are very satisfied with the project.