MUKTI has been rewarded the “NGO Leadership Award” in the Eastern region by Times ascent organized by World CSR Congress for Mukti’s contribution to sustainable environment growth and for adopting an impactful attempt by believing in a MAD approach (Making A Difference). The award ceremony was held on 8th September 2022 at Taj Bengal Kolkata.
The jury comprising of senior professionals from across the Globe has selected MUKTI after verifying certain criteria including Approach towards Environment, change in manager attitude, Incorporating Ethical Values in work culture, Developing responsible leaders, Involvement in Communities & Protection of the Environment, Building Collaborative Relationship, Effective and sustainable mobilization of resources in support of program and project work, including support from local communities and Demonstration of efficient management of financial and human resources, good governance practices, transparency and accountability, and effective communication.
On behalf of Mukti, Mr. Debabrata Halder and Mr. Madhusudan Bairagi received the award. Mr. Debabrata Halder was also one of the key panelists in the Panel discussion. He presented his views on the challenges of implementing CSR.
Mukti thanks all its well-wishers, sponsors, workers, and countless volunteers spread across the country and abroad for its success of Mukti.