From 17th March 2022, Thursday under SWAS (Swabalamban Accelerator in Sundarban) project Mukti has started skill development training on Thermocol flower making for the MCDF (Mukti Community Development Fund) members of Bhubaneswari branch under Nagendrapur GP, Sundarban. It is a 5 days training. 50 trainees have enrolled their names for the training program. Besides increasing their knowledge of art and craft, the training will act as their livelihood support.
Mukti is thankful to SIDBI (Small Industries Development Bank of India) for supporting rural women by organizing skill developing and income-generating training programs for them.
Under the guidance of Ms. Krishna Jatuya- the trainer, trainees are learning to make different types of flowers of different shapes and designs. Classes are held daily from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
To start as entrepreneurs, after the training Mukti will provide them a support kit worth Rs. 1,500. There are prospects of earning Rs. 2,500 to 3,000 every month by making Thermocol flowers. Mukti has arranged for the sale of their products. The wholesalers of a nearby market Pukuria Bazar, will buy the produce from the MCDF members and sell it in the market.