Effective communication skills are an important part of any professional or personal relationship. It builds stronger connectivity with others and makes one able to understand and empathize with the people they are working with. Strong rapport can be built by connecting through shared interests, mutual understanding, and empathy.
Muktiorganized a workshop at Raidighi Mukti Community Development Fund (MCDF) Office on 12th April 2023 to trainSwasthoSongini members/field workers in forming effective relationships, building trust, and developing tools and techniques to achieve and maintain rapport.21 members participated in the workshop. The workshop was conducted by Ms. SonamonBasu, Program Manager of Mukti Health Programs. The objective of this capacity-building program was to enhance the ability of SwasthoSonginisto to adapt their communication style to effectively control meetings, overcome objections, and develop sustainable relationships.
Besides verbal communication, some social skills necessary for effective communication were taught. Simple things like remembering people’s names, finding common ground, active listening, asking questions, responding to objections, and reserving judgment were taught to develop rapport-building skills.
SwasthoSongini members were asked to introspect on their own weaknesses that can hamper their activities in the field. The future plans of the SwasthoSongini project were also discussed at the end of the workshop.
The next session will be on how SwasthoSongini members can perform their fieldwork (rapport-building with people) by overcoming their weaknesses.