Mukti organized training on vermicompost-making at the Mukti Sustainable Agricultural Movement (SAM) office for 24 organic farmers of Purba Sridhrapur who had earlier been provided with vermicompost pits. The training was scheduled on 28th February 2023. Along with the farmers, Mukti working committee members were present in the meeting. The SAM project coordinator, Mr. Sourabh Kayal, was the trainer for the session.
The farmers were introduced to different species of earthworms, methods of vermicomposting, process and timing of vermicomposting, harvesting, troubleshooting, nutrient content of the vermicompost, and the advantages and benefits of vermicomposting.
Various methods to make vermicompost were described. For all of these, the farmers were asked to use decomposable organic wastes such as kitchen waste, cow dung and other animal excreta, chopped crop residues, and farm residues as raw materials for high-quality compost. After making the compost, red earthworms are to be released on the compost to feed on the decaying organic material. The “castings” from the worms are very important to the fertility of the soil. After digestion, the undigested material moves through the alimentary canal of the earthworm, and a thin layer of oil is deposited on the castings. The castings contain high amounts of nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. They also contain other growth-promoting substances and beneficial soil microflora which inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes.