On 11th September 202, Saturday Mukti organised a training program on cutting and grafting for the old as well as new women horticulturists working in the three Mukti nurseries – 1) SAM office garden, 2) library garden and 3) du bigha jomi garden at Mukti SAM (Sustainable Agricultural Movement) office.
Two expert horticulturists Mrs. Kabita Mondal and Mr. Anup Mondal conduct the training session. The training session starts at 2 pm and continued till 5 pm. Mrs. Mondal trained them on cutting whereas Mr. Mondal trained the trainees for grafting. They are given theoretical and practical knowledge about both techniques. 28 trainees participate in the program.
The main objective of the program is to educate women on how to achieve higher yields using advanced technology. The trainers also enlightened the beneficiaries about the commercial viability of horticultural nurseries and direct them the way to enhance their income.
Mrs. Mondal is an experienced horticulturist and is working in this field for many years. Mukti, for her own encouragement and knowledge, has appointed her as a trainer to teach cutting techniques. She has trained the trainees on how to cut the vegetative part of the plant (leaf, stem, and root) and then planting it again to regenerate the whole plant. The trainees learned how to propagate the trees like Salvia, Jungle Geranium (Rangon), Patabahar, Duranta, etc through the cutting process.
Mr. Mondal is a senior horticulturist and is associated with Mukti for many years. He is a very simple straightforward way teaches the trainees the techniques of grafting which is a complex process. Grafting involves cutting a twig of one plant and joining it with the stem of another plant in such a manner that they form a unit and function as one plant. He demonstrated the grafting process by showing examples of Swarna Jhau, Musanda, Suja etc trees.
The training will continue after every 15 days of each month.
Mukti is thankful to Mrs. Kabita Mondal and Mr. Anup Mondal for helping Mukti to train the women horticulturalists. Their support will make the women self-reliant and they will be able to earn.
The trainees while expressing their gratitude to Mukti said, “We learned new techniques and processes through the training program. We didn’t know many things about cutting and grafting. Our trainers comprehensively teach us every little thing. Now we will be able to increase the yield of the plants. We thank our trainers. We are proud to be a part of Mukti. We cherish that Mukti is trying so hard to make us self-reliant. We hope that Mukti will be with us in the future as well.”