Cultivation of seasonal flowers has started in Mukti Library garden nursery. About 30,000 seeds of 28 flowering plants species – Celosia, Zinnia elegans, Calendula, Civetta, Juliet, Dianthus, Twinkle mix, Gazania, Dianthus mix magical, Figaro mix, Marigold etc have been scattered over coco peat for germination. 15 coco peat blocks have been used for germination. Each of the blocks is 3 inches thick are 1/1 foot in size.
Coco peat is a soil-less growing medium favorable for soil-based gardening. Coco peat is made from the dried husks of coconuts. It is a natural, renewable resource that is biodegradable and environmentally friendly.
Germination time varies according to species (10-30 days). Overall it will take a month to germinate all plants. After germination, the seedlings will be transferred for potting. By early winter the seedlings will be mature enough for plantation.