On 9th September 2022, Mukti conducted two focus group discussion sessions on additional sustainable livelihood options, current market status and demand-supply status under ACV (Amplifying Community Voices) project in Kuyemuri and Herembogopalpur village. 23 participants including males and females participated in the session.
In this session, at first, the participants have been asked to list the daily needs of the people in their area. After identifying the needs, they are instructed through discussion to find out how people are meeting those needs. Is there any production of the goods in the area meeting the demand or do people have to buy them from outside? Through discussion 4-5 demands have been raised in terms of priority – the commodities that are having a great demand in the area but as they are not produced locally, people have to rely on external recourse.
Despite the demand for the products which have to be bought from outside due to lack of local production, they express interest in producing them themselves. Some of them are listed below
After reviewing the issues raised by them, in the next session it will be explained to them the scope of the project, its risk factors, what departments should they participate in or to which stakeholders they have to connect to address these issues.