Children are vulnerable to injuries and accidents. First aid helps in preserving lives, prevent further harm, and promote recovery. School teachers are key community stakeholders in a caretaker role for children. It is essential, therefore, that teachers are trained in first aid. Hence, Mukti initiated a training program on first aid and its effectiveness in health education for MSS (Mukti Support School) teachers.
The first training program was conducted on 24th November 2022 at the Canning MCDF hub office premises. 10 MSS teachers from 10 centers -Sonakhali, Harbhangi, Moukhali, Dabu, Dumki, Notunhat, Herobhanga, Dakkhin Kalikatala, Bodhukhalla and Tilpi attended the training program. The training was conducted by Mr. Ajay Naskar – Mukti SWAS (Swabalamban Accelerator in Sundarban) project coordinator. He took both theory and practical sessions.
The need for first aid boxes at every center was discussed. Symptoms and prevention of common health incidents like fever, fracture, stomach pain, bleeding, fainting, loose motions, etc. were discussed in detail. According to the POCSO (Protection Of Children from Sexual Offences) Act, every center should have one female teacher who can conduct a proper physical examination of adolescent girl students when needed. In absence of female teachers, other girl students will be called upon to help. Proper hand washing, handmade stretcher making, and rescue methods were taught.
Mukti will conduct this training for other MSS centers soon.