Mukti – has organized a programmed on the 114th birth anniversary of the charismatic leader of India’s freedom struggle, Subash Chandra Bose. On this occasion, a programmed was organized for 2 days ie 23rd & 24th January by the volunteers of Mukti for the students of Kankandighi Gram Panchayat & Nagendrapur Gram Panchayat. The main motive of the programmed is for Madyamik Students is “How to get good marks in the Exam”. The session has taken by the teachers of Dumdum K.K. Hindu Academy.
140 students of Kakandighi Gram Panchayat & Nagendrapur Gram Panchayat have participated in this program. 28 Girls & 36 Boys of Kankandighi Gram Panchayat & 41 Girls & 35 Boys of Nagendrapur Gram Panchayat has attended the programmed. The students of the school who have participated in the programmed where Jatanagendrapur High School, Nagendrapur Hematakumari High School, Jata Jogendrapur High School, Babujan Sipai High School, & IIMC Panchanan Shikhaniketan. All the students of the above school have theirs studies in the Mukti Coaching centre of Purba Sridharpur, Damkal Nagendrapur, Barganagar, Jogendra Dakhin Kankandighi & Babujan Sipai.
The Programmed started at 10 am on 23rd January. Mr Probir Banerjee has given floral tribute in the footage of great patriot & a charismatic leader, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. A flag was hosted & all the teacher of Dumdum Hindu Academy, Teacher of Mukti & Volunteers, and Students & Villagers has shown a tribute & homage to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. In the 1st day a 7 hrs session has been taken by different teachers of Dumdum KK Hindu Academy. The entire teacher has given a brief discussion on success of the examination. Some key points are as follows:
1. Prepare for the examination.
2. Look at past papers.
3. Never try to ‘spot’ questions and never revise selectively.
4. During the examination, organize your time effectively. N.B. This is the single most common cause of under-achievement in exams.
5. Always answer the full number of questions.
6. Read the question carefully, underline all the relevant words, and stick rigidly to the question as set.
7. For every question, stop writing after the first few minutes and re-read the question, then stop again to recheck before your time is up
8. Make rough notes at the start of a question, so as to organize your thoughts.
9. Never answer more questions than required.
10. Put yourself in an examiner’s shoes and ask ‘What impresses an examiner?’
The 1st day session end around 5.30 pm. For refreshment of the students & Teacher Mukti India has arranged a cultural show. There were several song and dance performances during the celebration, performed by the students. At the end of the Programmed Head Master Mr Nitanandapal of Dumdum KK Hindu Academy has sung a song and cherished the students. After that Mukti has arranged for the accommodation & food for the students & Teachers.
On the 2nd day ie on 24th January programmed started on the 8.00 am. The Chemistry Teacher Mr Basab Chakraborty has said in his session that among all the student, some student will get a good score and will achieve a great result. History session has been taken by Mr Prabir Chakraborty. Bengali session has taken by Mr Poritosh Kayal. Maths session has been taken by Ex Head Master and Rastrapati award winner Mr Diptiman Dutta. All the teacher have given different tips to score good marks in the exam.There are some tips for students is how to score high marks in Board Examination.
1.Fist of all students has to make proper time table. Make a time table and apply it in your daily life. In your time table give some extra time to hard subjects.
2. Practice makes a man perfect son in case of mathematics, students have to practice frequently. Note down all the important formulas in paper and hand on it somewhere in your study room. Learn these regularly and also test in written on a paper.
3. Don’t read continuously instead take some breaks. I am not taking a long break like one or half hour, just go for 5 minute or maximum 8 minute break in your studies. It will keep your mind fresh and you will find interest in studying. Hence you will learn the question easily.
4. If you are getting bore and feel sleepy leave that subject and switch to another one. It happens in a case when you are not able to solve a particular question or not able to learn questions in spite of frequent attempts. Such question makes a student sleep or bore. Discuss the same question with your friends in class or coaching center, try to find out the solution with the help of your teacher or friend.
5. Written practice is must, if you are just learning something and not doing practice in written. You may forget it or make mistake. So written practice will help you to find your mistake and you will not repeat it again.
6. Leaning in the morning time is good. So learn your questions in the morning time.
At the end of 2nd day session Sri Barun halder has given award for his good result in the board exam of 2008 -2009. Student- Panchanan Das & Mamoni Halder has given there view point about what they have achieved through this programmed. Some Teachers of Mukti ie Soumen Jana, Animesh Bera, Volunteers of Mukti ie Judhisthir Halder, Raghunath Bairagi, Madhusudan Bera has given a short lecture on the above said programmed.
The programme was concluded with a song. Cultural programmed, including patriotic songs, dances, poetry recitation and plays by the students of Mukti Coaching Centre. At the end students has given the floral bouquet to all the teachers of Dumdum KK Hindu Academy. This all had made a successful with the help of teacher, guardian & Mukti Volunteers. Mukti has assured the student that in the next year they will also organized this kind of programmed.