The Sunderbans is Bengal’s first line of defense from the fierce storms that periodically arise in the Bay of Bengal. However, the people of this region pay a heavy price for this. Four days after Amphan hit, the Sunderbans region of West Bengal is in shock. Livelihoods have been destroyed, houses torn down, power systems dislocated and mobile networks blacked out. Most troublingly, the intensity of the storm has meant salt water from the sea has backed up into farmlands in the delta, rendering them useless for the next few years.
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To support the farmers, Mukti organized a Dhainche seeding program at Purba Sridharpur which Mukti is doing since 2010. It’s a very good way of increasing the fertility of the soil, and can give huge benefits to farmers. Dhaincha or Green manure crops are primarily used in environmentally friendly agricultural practices to reduce the application of chemical fertilizer and herbicide.
Dhaincha improves the nitrogen levels in soil through Rhizobium which lives in the roots of Dhaincha. Rhizobium takes in nitrogen from the atmosphere and passes it on to the plant, allowing it to grow in soil low in nitrogen. Dhaincha will grow for 30-45 days and before planting paddy, farmers will smash these plants into the soil to increase the fertilization of the paddy field. This program is going to help the farmers in long run as Monsoon is going to approach very soon and to grow paddy farmers need plenty of water.
2000 Bigha harvest land was seeded by 75 women who participated in this Dhainche seeding program under Mukti’s “Food for Work” project. 20 quintal seeds were used for plantation. Mukti provided Rice, Dal, Potatoes, Mustard oil, Salt etc. to these women in menace of work.
Through this program Mukti is not only helping the farmers but also creating means of earning and food for the local people.
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