With employment opportunities rapidly shrinking, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced first-time job seekers to put their dreams and ambitions on hold indefinitely. The pandemic has triggered one of the worst jobs crises since May 2020. There is a real danger that the crisis will increase poverty and widen inequalities, with the impact felt for years to come. Mukti is trying its best of ability to this jobs crisis from turning into a social crisis.
Mukti has tied up with Nagendrapur Ramakrishna Mission and arranged training for unemployed youth on three subjects- electronics, plumbing and masonry work. The first phase is on electronics. Gradually Mukti will organize counseling sessions for the other two subjects.
Mukti on 9th October 2021, Saturday at 11.30 AM organizes a counseling session on a basic electrical training course for those students who have finished their studies but are unemployed for Covid situations at Uttar Kankandighi Mukti Support School. Under the supervision of Mr. Madhusudan Bairagi, a working committee member of Mukti, the session is conducted by Mr. Abhijit Natta, the training Organizer of Ramkrishna Mission, the impresario and Mr. Ramkrishna Mistry, the trainer. 28 such unemployed job seekers participated in this counseling session.
The participants are informed that the course is suitable for anyone with a keen interest in electrical systems and installations or beginners to the electrical trade. The domestic electrical installer course has been designed to allow industry beginner candidates to become qualified domestic installers. The course includes electrical installations, methods, wiring and background to inspection and testing. If anyone doesn’t have any formal qualifications or have no knowledge of electrical systems, this course is ideally suited.
After the counseling 20 interested unemployed have been enrolled for the basic electrical training course. Their training will start soon. Mukti hopes that with the help of these trainings, unemployed youth will be financially self-sufficient.