On 11th June 2022, Mr. Anish Sengupta- Program Manager of CAF and M.r Dinabandhu Karmakar- a specialist in environment and agricultural livelihoods from team Charity Aid Foundation (CAF) first time visited Mukti project locations in Purba Sridharpur. CAF is working with Oak Foundation in Sunderbans for supporting vulnerable communities and building sustainable livelihood interventions for the communities. For this purpose, CAF has conducted an exploratory study in Sunderbans on behalf of the “OAK Foundation” India Program team.
The purpose of the first visit is to:
After visiting Mukti project sites they have conducted a discussion with 25 attendees including Mukti staff, volunteers, project coordinators and beneficiaries. They have interacted with the Mukti team of SAM (Sustainable Agricultural Movement), Education, Model village, MCDF (Mukti Community Development Fund), ACV (Amplifying Community Voices) and have met with the existing beneficiaries of Mukti. Mukti has shared narrative reports of the projects implemented. In the meeting they have also discussed the key issues Mukti has identified in the areas of its current intervention, the underlying causes of deep-rooted vulnerabilities and the possible opportunities and pathways to address these vulnerabilities
The discussion ended satisfactorily. They thanked Mukti for setting up the first field visit plan.
Mukti has requested CAF to support existing/potential small and micro-entrepreneurs representing highly vulnerable communities living in the Sundarbans.