STUDENT NAME: Ashok Sarkar
FATHER’s NAME: Manoranjan Sarkar
Ashok was born in a very poor family in South Sunderban area, Dumkol village. His father was a daily wage labourer. Ashok has a younger brother and a sister. All the three children are intelligent; however, it was extremely difficult for Manoranjan to afford education for all of them due to his extremely humble financial condition. In spite of a multitude of hardships, Ashok was the first rank holder of Nagendrapur Hemanta Kumari Higher Secondary School, every year.
It was in the year when Ashok was studying in class 10, that his father was afflicted by a life-threatening disease and became completely bed ridden. He could not even afford food for a day, let alone expenses for books, and uniforms for school. Ashok lost all hope of pursuing his education. His father Manoranjan, too, found his dream of establishing his brilliant oldest son as a teacher and a respectable person in entire village, becoming a distant cry.
At this most critical juncture for the family, MUKTI extended their helping hand; they provided all round support, to materialise Manoranjan and Ashok’s strong yet almost lost dream. With MUKTI’s incessant assistance and financial help, Ashok was able to complete Bachelors in English Honours and subsequently Master of Arts. Currently he is a teacher of a Higher Secondary School in his village.
Ashok has been able to fulfil his father’s dream; he finally succeeded in winning over his battle against poverty and illiteracy. MUKTI wishes him the very best in all his future endeavours and prays for his well-being.