Mukti is delighted to welcome Mr. Subrata Laska, representative of “Asha for Education” to Purba Sridharpur on 17-18 November 2021. He is associated with Ms. Srijita Sarkar, Mukti Education Lead and Ms. Monika Mistry, data entry operator of MSS and Kishalaya projects. The main purpose of the visit is to show our supporting organization the impact of their donations, mainly in the field of education. Each of the project coordinators welcomes him to their respective sites.
For two days he has visited the various project sites of Mukti at Purba Sridharpur and nearby areas. On the 17th he visits MCDF members, MIT (Mukti Information Technology), Book Bank, Kishalaya schools, Vocational Training Center of Uttar Kankandighi and SWAS project center at Kankandighi. Before returning to Kolkata, on the 18th he visits Mukti Support Schools, SAM project staff and Mukti farmer garden.
17th November:
MCDF- He meets with Mr. Raghunath Bairagi, the project coordinator of MCDF along with the 14 MCDF (Mukti Community Development Fund) branch Presidents of Purba Sridharpur at Raidighi MCDF Office and discussed with them about group formation, activities, loan structure and savings.
MIT- With Mr. Bimal Khan, project coordinator of Kishalaya School and MSS (Mukti Support School) he visits MIT and talk with the 10 students of MIT presented at that time. He asks the students whether they have been provided job support or are pleased with these courses etc. The trainee answered his question satisfactorily.
Book Bank – He participates in a meeting with teachers of MSS and the staff of Mukti Book Bank.
Kishalaya School – 50-60 students of 4 Kishalaya schools (Tapasi Chhatui, Debashree Baidya, Piyali Purkait, Mrinmayee Mondal ) greats him with a bouquet. He has a conversation with the teachers, students and their parents. He shares quality time with the little ones.
Vocational Training Center at Uttar Kankandighi – The time he visits the training center 20 trainees are being trained on plumbing by Mr. Debkumar Mondal, the trainer. Mr. Laska motivates them and congratulates them for their bright future.
SWAS project center- Mr. Ajay Naskar, the center coordinator shows him the whole training site. He meets with the trainer Mr. Biswajit Pramanik and 60 trainees. He highly praised the initiative to make women self-reliant with home crafts training.
18th November:
MSS – On the morning of 18th November Mr. Khan accompany him to visit Mukti Support Schools of Damkal, Purba Sridharpur and Jogendrapur. Almost 300 students and 15 teachers talk with him. During Covid, how the students have studied, whether they need any more help or what can be done to improve the condition and teaching structure of the schools all these topics are discussed during their meet.
SAM – A meeting is organized between Mr. Laska and SAM farmers, staff at Jogendrapur High School. He was fascinated by the enthusiasm and success of farmers in organic farming. After the meeting, he visits the garden of Mr. Dasarath, one of the Mukti SAM farmers.
Mr. Laskar said,”I am associated with Asha for the last 5-6 years. As a representative of Asha, I have come to visit the project sites of Mukti. I have visited the sites like Kishalaya school, MIT where the students are provided job assistance by training them in computer courses, accounting courses etc, training centers where the women are trained to be self-reliant, 25 MCDF branches where approximately 1,000-1,500 women members are attached with Mukti etc. “Asha for Education” mainly supports MSS which I liked the most. Children who are needy and can’t afford tuition are taught here through a very nominal charge. Most are a volunteer or retired teachers. Out of 20 centers, I have visited 3-4 centers. I separately meet with the Madhyamik students. It is great to talk to the teachers and students. We are proud to be a supportive partner of Mukti. I thank Mukti and as well as Mr. Sankar Halder, the Founder-President of Mukti. I wanted to come here again.”
Mukti thanks Mr. Laskar and “Asha for Education” for sharing their precious time by visiting Mukti project sites.
Gallery link: http://localhost/mukti-old/gallery/album/mr-subrata-laskar-from-asha-for-education-visited-mukti-gram