Frequent cyclones exposed the vulnerability of freshwater paddy agriculture in the Sundarbans. In response to the situation and to broaden the seed supply process, Mukti made a concerted effort to restore salt-tolerant paddy varieties. The salt-tolerant paddy varieties had been introduced as part of Climate Change Adaptation projects in the region.
Through this endeavor, the salt-tolerant paddy varieties have gained a foothold in the Sundarbans and farmers are autonomously cultivating these. Mukti is preserving 50 types of salt-tolerant paddy seeds such as Bahurupi, Kerala Sundori, Tulsi Mukul, Kala Mota, Kalabati, Aghonibora, Radha Tilak 8J P110, Dehradun etc. by braiding them. The braid is a delicate way to preserve the seeds and helps the farmers in situations of emergency. Besides restoration, these seeds will be used for exhibitions and fairs related to agriculture.