According to government data, more than half of India’s population depends on agriculture for a living, with the majority of these being small and marginal farmers. Poor infrastructures, lack of modern methods, and diminishing production have made it difficult for farmers to come out of the cycle of debt and poverty. Mukti strives to alleviate rural poverty by fostering sustainable livelihoods in rural areas, particularly among tribal and vulnerable populations.
Twice a year, Mukti provides seasonal vegetable seeds to help landless farmers in becoming self-reliant in food production. This year, Mukti distributed winter vegetable seeds to 526 landless farmer families of Nagendrapur and Kankandighi on 27th November 2022. Seeds of Spinach, Beans, Red Amaranth (Lal Saag), Coriander, Okra, Bottle Gourd, Water Spinach (Kalmi saag) and saplings of Brinjal, Chili, Beetroot and Kohlrabi (Ol kopi) were distributed.
Farmers can produce these vegetables in backyard gardens and can earn a livelihood by selling these additional crops. Along with livelihood generation, nutritional needs will also be met through this endeavor.