Mukti is supporting progressive organic farmers by creating vermicompost pits for them. On 1st November 2022, a meeting was organized at Mukti SAM (Sustainable Agricultural Movement) office premises to discuss the conditions to be met by the farmers for making vermicompost pits with the help of Mukti. In the previous year, Mukti supported the farmers by creating 200 such pits for 200 farmers. This year Mukti has aimed to create 200 more. Among these 200, 52 had been invited for the first meeting.
Mukti has taken this initiative to make farmers aware of the ill effects of chemical fertilizers and to save farmers from the cycle of adulterated organic fertilizers in the market. Helping to build these pits will encourage farmers to make uncontaminated organic fertilizers themselves.
To receive the support farmers have to agree to some conditions of Mukti.