Since 2009, after cyclone Aila, Mukti has been taken the initiative so that the farmers can produce their own organic fertilizer. Ms. Rebati Swaminathan from Tamil Nadu visits Mukti to train the farmers of the SAM (Sustainable Agricultural Movement) project for making organic manure. Then with the help of some service centers and some online courses, SAM farmers have further enhanced their knowledge.
Since then “AID” has been supporting Mukti. Mukti will be grateful to AID for their continuous support.
Last year, Mukti set a target that Mukti will encourage and help 551 farmers to make organic manure. About 480 farmers are enthusiastically making their own organic fertilizer. For the rest of those who are not willing, Mukti will go to everyone’s house to find out about their difficulties.
Mukti is continuously organizing advanced training for the farmers including theoretical and practical classes. Along with the training farmers, themselves are innovating new methods of making organic manure and increasing productivity. They are sharing their experiences with each other. Mukti has decided to provide 5 training in a year to each farmer. Revised training is also being provided.
The farmers are making rice solutions, de-compost, dung manure, concentrated biodegradable, liquid biodegradable etc.
Organic farming is certainly an answer for creating a safe, good and clean environment, and the use of biofertilizers in preference to chemical fertilizers offers economic and ecological benefits by way of soil health and fertility to farmers.
Mukti is looking forward that very soon Mukti will be able to involve many more farmers adopting organic farming.