To prevent the chances of flooding and soil erosion Mukti is planting flood-tolerant trees and grass by the side of the river embankments of Mukti Gram. During heavy rains, these trees will reduce the risk of flooding by absorbing thousands of liters of floodwater. These trees and grass will act as a natural barrier against flood and also will reduce the storm surge.
After the destruction of Yaas, Mukti has started to rebuild the river embankments by raising the height of the embankments with soil. To strengthen the embankments Mukti used rags full of sand. But the embankments need to be protected.
For that purpose, Mukti has aimed to plant 2 – 2.5 lakhs of Gewa trees beside every embankment of Nagendrapur GP.
Gewa Trees grow well in saline tidal-flooded areas but can survive in freshwater-flooded areas also. These trees can survive without nurture. Mukti is using the pruning branches of the trees for new germination. Mukti is planting these trees at the lower part of the embankment.
On the sloping of the embankments a special type of flood-resistant grass, Vetiver is planted in 1’/1’ gap. The roots of the grasses will soon cover the in-between place. The grass plantation is still in the experimental stage. The grasses have been planted for only 1 Km of area. Mukti will further decide whether to increase the area depending on the grass growth and utility rate.
Mukti in association with “United Way India” started the plantation program on 28th June 2021. As of now, 15000 Gewa plants have been planted at Purba Sridharpur and Damkal beside river Moni by 25-30 male and female workers. All the workers are working under “Food for Work”.
Mukti has initiated the plantation program for Nagendrapur GP. This initiative will continue throughout the season. In the future Mukti will run this program in the other blocks of Sundarban.