On 15th December 2018, Ms. Sohini Paul from the USA visited Mukti on behalf of AID. With a motive to know and learn more about Mukti and its work she accompanying Mukti President Mr.Sankar Halder and Malay Bhattacharyya walked down to Raidighi.
She felt happy to interact with the coordinators and members of Mukti Community Development Fund (MCDF) & Mukti Institute of Technology (MIT) projects. The forum members of MCDF were glad to share their thoughts and ideas with her. She had a round to the Mukti organic field. She had very easily mingled up with the farmers and learned more about organic farming. Participatory Guarantee Certified (PGS) farmers were also introduced to her.
Lastly, she had a conversation with Right to Information (RTI) project coordinator. They shared their views and ideas with each other. To know the villagers’ reaction and views regarding RTI she met with the villagers personally who got benefited from the RTI Act, 2005. She was pleased and happy with Mukti works.
Mukti also felt very happy to welcome her and appreciate her generosity towards the villagers.