A Bee Keeping Awareness Camp was held by MUKTI at Jata Jogendrapur High School in the Sunderban on 11th March 2016. The Camp was attended by 65 women participants. This awareness camp was organized by MUKTI in conjunction with KVIC (Khadi and Village Industries Commission) under the Pradhan Mantri Rozgar Yojana (PMRY) Scheme under Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME, Government of India (GOI).
From April 22nd to 25th 2016, a four day training workshop on Bee Keeping was undertaken by a KVIC trainer to 25 women from the economically backward communities of the Sunderban Region at Jata Jogendrapur High School. The Training was part of the Livelihood programme under PMRY Scheme of MSME, GOI. 25 women participants have been awarded completion certificates on Bee Keeping on 19th August 2016. MUKTI has encouraged these trained women participants to avail the benefits under the PMRY Scheme to start bee keeping as a livelihood source.