Subhojit Naskar, a young and ambitious individual, hails from Heria, West Bengal, where he was raised in a close-knit nuclear family. His family consists of his parents and younger brother, with his father being the sole breadwinner, working in the informal sector as a cigarette manufacturer, while his mother takes care of the household and his brother focuses on his college studies.
Driven by his passion for learning, Subhojit dedicated himself to rigorous preparations for the NEET exams. His hard work paid off when he successfully cleared the exam, securing admission to the prestigious Midnapore Medical College and Hospital. While elated by this achievement, he couldn’t help but worry about the financial burden associated with his education.
Eager to find a solution, Subhojit sought guidance from his seniors and was recommended to reach out to Mukti, an organization known for its support and assistance to students in need. Learning about the organization’s TSS program, he promptly applied for the opportunity.
Grateful to be selected for Mukti’s TSS program, Subhojit received valuable financial aid from a generous sponsor named Bimal Saha. This scholarship greatly alleviated his financial concerns, enabling him to pay his semester fees and purchase the necessary books for his studies. From 2019 to 2023, Subhojit immensely benefited from the scholarship and expressed heartfelt gratitude to his sponsor for his continuous motivation and inspiration throughout his journey. He also highlighted the regular online meetings organized by Mukti’s team, where he could freely share his concerns and receive encouragement and reassurance.
Completing his course successfully, Subhojit is now pursuing his internship at Midnapore Medical College and Hospital. He has gained financial independence and is committed to supporting his family’s financial needs as well. Fueled by his aspirations, Subhojit envisions continuing his education and pursuing postgraduation in his chosen field.
As Subhojit embarks on his future endeavors, we extend our heartfelt wishes to him, hoping that he finds success and fulfillment in all his pursuits. Mukti will continue to stand by his side, providing unwavering support and guidance in every possible way.