On World Environment Day 2022, Mukti has taken an initiative to circulate a clear message that resonated in the human community: we must heal the planet, we must start now and we must work together because everyone has a role to play in reviving the world’s ailing ecosystems. For the successful implementation of this initiative, 854 MSS (Mukti Support School) students have rallied behind a message of hope for nature. Besides participation in the rally, they have also planted trees on their school premises.
On 3rd June 2022, Friday students of Damkal, Baradanagar and Purba Sridharpur MSS and on 4th June 2022, Saturday students of Jogendrapur, Purba Jata, Uttar Kankandighi have rallied. Students have designed placards, drawings, banners on various environmental issues and voiced slogans to spread awareness to restore the environment for our survival. They have spread the message that public concern for ecology and the environment should not be restricted to Environment Day, but should be a part of their daily life.
Mr. Amit Singh- the representative of “Country Harvest” has organized a little refreshment for the students who participated in the rally. Students are gifted with cake and Cream Craker biscuits.
Mukti is gratified to receive the support of “Country Harvest” and to have Mr. Singh. Mukti thank him for being with the students and inspiring them.